奈良県奈良市にある理容室・美容室・着付けHair Salon Unity(ヘアサロンユニティー)です。近鉄奈良駅より徒歩5分。カット、パーマ、着付けなどのメニューを中心に良い技術・良い商品をコンセプトに展開。お子様、学生、社会人、主婦の方々、男女関係なく大歓迎です。
奈良県奈良市にある理容・美容のトータルサロン“Hair Salon Unity”です。
Welcome to our hair salon, “Unity”.
Our salon is located in Nara city, an ancient capital of Japan 1300 years ago. Our goal is to provide our customers with the newest styles and the highest quality hair colors that are also easy to manage at home. We offer prices that affordable for you and we strive to make you feel beautiful every day.
Our salon manager has one and a half years - the best hair cut training, “Dry Cut & Razor Cut” and experience at the famous salon in Manhattan, New York and other stylists are skilled in advanced haircuts, color techniques, and styling, too.
We are looking forward to seeing you at our salon.
カット+プチシャンプー ¥2200(税込)
Cut+PetitShampoo ¥2000+tax